Our Services
Using the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGCM), we guide you to fresh, new perspectives and breakthroughs that empower you to live your best life. Through individual or group sessions, we help you discover the power and benefits of working on internal processes to affect visible, positive change in your life. These effective experiential techniques assist in healing shame, anxiety, stress, depression and relationship problems for more profound connections with self and others.
- Individual and group sessions (with or without horses)
- Classes, workshop and retreats (with or without horses)
- Coaching by phone
- Equine gestalt coaching
- Gestalt coaching
Based on gestalt principles of wholeness, EGCM is experiential in nature and deeply tied to somatics (body responses). This holistic approach allows for complete release of your energy and emotional blocks or pain. Almost all EGCM clients experience permanent resolutions to the issues addressed in their sessions, and find the process elicits lasting changing in their lives.

Initial sessions are 2 hours and followup sessions are 60-90 minutes in length.
Lotus Life BioFeedback Sessions
Quantum Biofeedback is a non-invasive therapeutic technology that energetically scans and harmonizes the body’s stresses and imbalances by using frequency. Scientists have discovered that energy travels at 130,200,000 miles per second. Each cell in the body operates at a certain vibrational frequency. An adult human has over 100 trillion cells. Each cell holds over six gigabytes of memory. That’s a pretty large hard drive! There are at least 6 billion steps of DNA in a single cell that record one’s life blueprint. Together, these frequencies form an energy pattern unique to each individual. It is your personal distinctive thumbprint, or addressing the universe. Every human though, emotion and action has a unique vibrational energy pattern. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, diseases, etc. all have resonant energy patterns. your body has a high speed semi-conductive electronic network. Within this electronic network is a highly sophisticated electromagnetic field that represents and communicates with each and every organ system in the body and maintains a coherent communication between the cells, organs, and all body systems. The system works with this network to rebalance all areas of the body and restore the integrity of the electromagnetic field.
You-niquely You! One Day Workshop for Women
Have you ever wondered why you make certain choices?
Do you say “yes,” when you mean “no?”
Why are some things easy for you and others difficult?
Join us for this You-niquely You workshop and EXPLORE the who and why of YOU through your unique temperament type. Find profound insight into what drives you — and learn how to balance your authentic self with the expectations of your environment.
EXPAND your understanding of your values and how they affect your motivations.
EXPRESS your authentic truth in a way that will make a difference in your life, relationships, and happiness.

Manifest It! Workshop
Manifesting what you wish for can happen — you just need to discover the steps it takes to make it happen!
EXPLORE what it would take to manifest your wishes.
EXPAND your understanding of the blocks and obstacles that might stand int he way of experiencing your greatest aspirations.
EXPRESS your desires in the form of an actionable truth — which is the first step in aligning yourself with your dreams.

“A man on a horse is spiritually, as well as physically, bigger than a man on foot.” -John Steinbeck